our services


farm drainage

land conservation

waterway construction

ditch cleaning

rock & dirt hauling


Start your project with a solid foundation. Our excavating services ensure your project prep is a success from the ground up. Literally. We’re here to clear, dig, and level your land with our expertise and equipment. 


Weather isn’t predictable, but it’s affects on your fields can be. By bringing uniformity to the forefront, you’ll be able to plant earlier and harvest sooner. Our team will work with you to determine the best drainage system for your farm, crops, and bottom line. 

WATERWAY construction

Say so long to standing water and soil erosion with custom waterway construction. An essential piece of the farm water management puzzle is having a place to send excess moisture while optimizing nutrient and top soil retention. We’re with you every step of the way to create a waterway that works for you, not against you.


Conserve your farmland’s natural resources while protecting your property and investment with our land conservation services. We offer ditch cleaning, overgrowth clearing, and the reshaping of natural waterways. 

Ditch cleaning

Ensure your farm drainage system is working properly and operating at maximum efficiency. With our ditch cleaning services, we are able to assist you with repairing outlets and side inlets along with removing debris from the bottom of your ditches. 

Rock & dirt hauling

At Leland Drainage and Excavating, we’re not afraid to get our hands (and equipment) dirty. Whether you’re hauling rock and dirt in or out, we can provide the means to get the job done safely and efficiently.